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Latest News
1 Removed interstitial ads on voting page
2 Redirect and voting repaired
3 banner exchange fixed
4 Various improvements
5 Updated our hosting page
6 Fixed log out
7 Several layout fixes concerning the search box below
8 Prizes for weekly voting winners
9 New banner exchange
10 Recent Updates
Last week's winners
1 VTAffliction got 1st place with 12 votes
2 greatcrimes got 2nd place with 0 votes
3 Hidden-Shinobi got 3rd place with 0 votes
4 BlackSun District got 4th place with 0 votes
5 Myanmar PRG Game got 5th place with 0 votes
6 Blade Runners got 6th place with 0 votes
7 CyberCrimes got 7th place with 0 votes
8 USS Missouri got 8th place with 0 votes
9 DemonWar got 9th place with 0 votes
10 Pimp It got 10th place with 0 votes
Latest Offers
1. Warriox Adventure. Check Now!
2. Soul Quest RPG. Check Now!
3. Lost City. Check Now!
4. Xenocide. Check Now!
5. CivTown. Check Now!
6. Broken Streets. Check Now!
7. The Lost Galaxy. Check Now!
8. Dark Empire RPG. Check Now!
9. Dark Empire RPG. Check Now!
10. Forgotten Worlds. Check Now!
Latest Reviews
1. Lost City by James
2. Dark Empire RPG by themorbidangel
Latest Games
1. VTAffliction
2. USS Malinche
3. Mundo Sangre
4. Lugdunon
5. Imperium
6. Imperium-remove this listing
7. Chaos of Worlds
8. Land of Nevard
9. La
10. Conflict of Kingdoms

Next round in -61829 Hours -53 Minutes -46 Seconds

This week's Top 10
1. VTAffliction8
2. Rocking Rackets - Tennis Manager1
3. Dawn of a New Era0
4. Crimson Legacy0
5. Chaos Chapter0
6. Forgotten Worlds0
7. Dark Knights0
8. Flaming darkness (FD RPG)0
9. KillinG NatioN0
10. Cell Breach0


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