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    Main => Suggestions => Better styles and scripts
    Well, to take the forum as example. the message input is Realy small. next to that, the dropdown boxes in "manage games" reset itselfes everytime, and the reply's on topics are kinda a mess in my oppinion. I'd love to help with the scripting. Just send me a mail or so, and I'll give you all the scripting updates you'll need. Greetings, ~ Sayne
    by Developer Sayne
    Both sortedby Admin Kemuel1

    Next round in -60994 Hours -40 Minutes -39 Seconds

    This week's Top 10
    1. VTAffliction7
    2. Rocking Rackets - Tennis Manager1
    3. Dawn of a New Era0
    4. Crimson Legacy0
    5. Chaos Chapter0
    6. Forgotten Worlds0
    7. Dark Knights0
    8. Flaming darkness (FD RPG)0
    9. KillinG NatioN0
    10. Cell Breach0


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