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    Main => Suggestions => Voting
    Instead of the 24 hour till you can vote. Have it just reset all vote at a certain time. I realize this might be difficult because not everyone lives in the same place in the world. maybe diferent reset time for each game?
    by Developer KeMpS
    colors hard to readby 1
    that's to sync with your game i take it?by Admin Kemuel0

    Next round in -60996 Hours -8 Minutes -30 Seconds

    This week's Top 10
    1. VTAffliction7
    2. Rocking Rackets - Tennis Manager1
    3. Dawn of a New Era0
    4. Crimson Legacy0
    5. Chaos Chapter0
    6. Forgotten Worlds0
    7. Dark Knights0
    8. Flaming darkness (FD RPG)0
    9. KillinG NatioN0
    10. Cell Breach0


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